Monday, September 27, 2010

Frankenstein Lives!!

Hey Everyone!  I'm sorry to take so long to bring you news.  I've had a crazy weekend.  I don't know how it happens but everything gets scheduled for the same weekend!  Surgery, Homecoming, BYU game, Air Show in Wendover (we were given VIP tickets). So we compromised, Floyd went to the game, Ben went to Homecoming, we passed on the Wendover Show & I went to surgery. It went perfectly.  The people at the Huntsman Center were wonderful.  I was planning to get some rest while I was there, but the nurses had other ideas.  They came in every couple of hours to take my vitals and some blood.  I do appreciate them taking good care of me though.  I now have an omyya resevoire in my head along with a 4-5 inch incision with staples.  Thus the Frankenstein title, they wanted me to leave it open to the air for the weekend, so that's why I missed you at church, didn't want to scare anybody.  I am sad that I missed the Primary Program, that is my favorite meeting of the year.

I'll find out this week what the next step is when I visit with my oncologist.  My guess would be to start chemo soon, 1 round (once a week for three weeks) to the head and then 1 round to the body until it works.  I'm feeling good, just resting at home.  Thank you to all of you for your thoughts & prayers on my behalf.  I feel your strength and it helps me stay positive. My family thanks you for the delicious meals and treats you've all thoughtfully brought to us.  I am counting my many blessings.  Cindy


  1. cool halloween costume! you should win some award at the very least!!!!

    so glad to hear from you and that all did indeed go well. kind of fun to see you driving around today too! what a woman you are. you rock!

    keep it up.

  2. Cindy,

    You are the MOST BEAUTIFUL "Frankenstein" I've ever seen! (Great photo of you and Floyd, by the way.)

    I am grateful to hear that your procedure went well this past weekend. I will faithfully be keeping track of your blog. Thank goodness for the web that can keep us linked this way.

    Of course, I have another way I stay linked with you, and that is in my heart. I hope you feel that love and thoughts that are constantly flowing your way from Grass Valley, CA.

    BIG hugs!

  3. Hi Cindy,
    We are wishing you only the best from our house to yours. Thanks for keeping us updated on you and how things will be doing.
    Much love - SUE DENHAM

  4. Wow. Does this make Floyd the Groom of Frankenstein?
    Keep those good thoughts flowing. It's medicine you know...positive thinking! You could open your own pharmacy!
    Love you and praying for you and your cluster of family.

  5. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you. Sending lots of love and prayers your way.
    Much Love, Danae

  6. Cindy, I love you. You are my hero and always have been. Thank you for being a light in my life. Your cheerful, happy, spunky, can-do personality shines everywhere and it's contagious. You've have made my life soooo much better.

    Thanks for keeping us updated. I hope you are resting and recovering well. We are praying for you every night. Hunter always starts with and please bless Mom's friend Cindy...

    Thanks for opening your heart to me... what a beautiful heart that is.

    I love you my dancing friend. Cari :)
