Friday, September 24, 2010

All is well

I just spoke with Margaret, Cindy's mom.  She has been patiently waiting at the Simpson's home for word from Floyd.  Cindy and Floyd went to the Huntsman Center early this morning for the placement of the port-a-cath within Cindy's head.  As with most surgeries, it took awhile to get word.  However by 3:00 she was in recovery and all was well.  Cindy will stay the night at the Huntsman Center.  She should be home sometime tomorrow, we just don't know when.  Ben is off to the Davis Homecoming Game!  Go Darts!

I should be able to talk with Floyd or Margaret tomorrow and will post if there is any new info.  I suppose if we look on the positive side of things we should be glad that Cindy was already wearing beautiful hats and scarves.  At least they didn't have to shave much of her hair off!  It will be good to have this procedure done and move onto the next.  Cindy is ready!

I know she would want me to express her thanks to you all.  Good friends, neighbors and family sure make getting through this life easier. 

posted by Libby Hansen


  1. Such good news! That was a big step forward. Can't wait to see your beautiful smile.

  2. Cindy...You are such an inspiration to me and our family. Our prayers are with you and your family. Through the past 30 years your friendship, love and courage have always been a great support to me. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Skeeter
