Wednesday, December 15, 2010

She is always finding Joy!

"Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God."

Robert Schuller

Cindy lives daily in the presence of God more than anyone I know! A few years ago I was asked to give the Christmas Message in our church. It was not a hard task to accomplish because the subject was just so easy to speak about. Christmas, Joy, Hope. One point I focused on was the difference between happiness and joy.

Often we confuse joy with happiness, but happiness is a temporary surface quality. It fluctuates with outward events. The origin of happiness or "hap" means one's luck, chance, fortune. Happiness is defeat able. As our fortunes change and our wants and wishes are frustrated, happiness disappears. There is a constancy to joy. It is steadfast. It can weather sadness and disappointment. It can coexist with suffering and struggle, because it is anchored not in emotion or shifting circumstances but in God's constant love and labor. Cindy takes joy from life. Following is her latest update:

"The latest news is that I am receiving chemo three times a week. Ugh! Two to the brain through a port in my head. Yes, I'm permanently bald there, although the hair is trying to grow there & I need to keep shaving it, actually Floyd shaves it. Then I have my regular chemo through my chest port every Tuesday. I think the idea is to knock it out or knock me out, which ever comes first.

The good news is that it's working! My tumor marker started at 1000 (normal is 30) fell to 900 then to 800 and then this month fell 200 points to 600. We are cautiously optimistic. My doctor is talking that there might be a time when I just have to go in for a "maintenance" chemo once a month. YAY!

It's a wonderful season, I'm enjoying as many activities as I have energy for. We really appreciate the thoughts & prayers & Christmas goodies. We've been well taken care of with delicious meals and treats. The kids are coming home next week, so the family will be together for a few days. I'm really looking forward to that!"

Thank you Cindy for sharing your positive attitude and JOY!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for "IT" to get knocked out! You are wonderful and have amazing strength. I love you.
